
Friday, June 1, 2018

Interview with Posthuman Abomination done by Patrick posted on 6-1-18

Interview  with Posthuman  Abomination  done  by Patrick

1.Hello how is life in Italy going this week? Please introduce yourself to the readers?
Lorenzo: Hi, I'm Lorenzo, vocals. This week in Italy? Well, it's better if we talk about music.
Max: I'm Max, guitars. 

2. Posthuman Abomination was started in 2014 when did you and the other members first get the idea to start this band? What is the current line up of the band?
Lorenzo: Me and Marco Coghe (Drums) always desired to play together and create a band of uncompromised Brutal Death Metal. We were in a sort of hiatus with our former bands (Natrium and Demons Bridge, Catastrophic Evolution), so we decided to ask Max Santarelli to join us. He was our first choice, since we think is one of the best guitar players in Italy, his style is unique and we are great fans of Vomit The Soul, Xenomorphic Contamination and other of his projects. We started to compose and record demos, using Internet because we live in very distant cities and we recorded our Promo "Crafting Life".
Later we recruited Andrea, former bassist of Natrium, very gifted and with a great attitude. When Marco joined Devangelic, Andrea and I were recording the last Natrium's album and Max was very busy with other projects, we needed to slow a bit down with the songwriting but in few months we make up for "lost" time and we finished and recorded the album

3.Who would you say are Posthuman Abomination's biggest influences?
Max: Suffocation, Deeds of flesh, Gorgasm and many more.

4.Transcending Embodiment is being released very soon through Comatose music when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?
Max: When we started to search for a label our first choice was Steve Green's Comatose Music, so we sent him our promo and some demo tracks of the album. He instantly liked our music and the negotiation was quick.

5.How long did it take the band to write the music for the debut release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?
Max: About two years of songwriting, in cooperation with Lorenzo. Then everyone worked on his parts individually.

6.Besides the upcoming debut release does the band have any other merchandise available for the readers to buy? If yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?
Max: Sure! CDs, T-Shirts, custom guitar picks, posters and stickers are available in our merchstores (, Soon we will be also on Spotify.

7.Has Posthuman Abomination played live very often or is this just a studio only band?
Max: We started as a long distance studio project but we are so confident about our music that we become ready to be a "real" band and to perform live. The distance is indeed a big issue but we are working to bring our music live. 

8.What have been some of the bands most memorable shows so far? And are their any tours or shows  planned in support of Transcending Embodiment?
Lorenzo: A real tour will be very difficult but not impossible.

9.In your opinion what is the best and worst thing about the underground scene these days?
Lorenzo: This question is complex and would need a very long answer, I don't want to bore our readers.

10.Besides playing in Posthuman Abomination do you or any of the members currently play in any other bands?
Max: Well I'm pretty busy! Pit of Toxic Slime, Precognitive Holocaust Annotations, Xenomorphic Contamination, Kabal, Marco plays in Devangelic and Interminable Corruption.

11.Posthuman Abomination comes out of Italy's brutal death metal scene what is your opinion of Italy's death metal scene over the years?
Lorenzo: When I was sixteen, one of the first bands that got me into Death Metal was a band called Electrocution, obviously Italian and they are still kicking ass. I think that Hour of Penance's Vile Conception helped pave the way for all the other Italian bands. A real breakthrough. Now in Italy there are a lot of Death Metal bands and the amazing thing is that it's difficult to find one that isn't great!
12.Who are your all-time favorite Italian brutal death metal bands? And are their any new bands you could recommend to the readers?
Max: Septycal Gorge, Putridity, Indecent Excision, Antropofagus, Demiurgon, Unbirth, Logic of Denial and many more.
Lorenzo: Hour Of Penance, Septycal Gorge, Putridity, Blasphemer, Unbirth, Demiurgon, just to name a few.

13.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?
Max: I like to go to the football stadium and to drink a lot
Lorenzo: Retrogaming mostly on Commodore Amiga, reading, movies and shows binge watching and drink... a lot.

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
Max and Lorenzo: Thanks for the support, see you soon and stay brutal forever.

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