
Friday, June 15, 2018

Barren Altar--Entrenched In The Faults Of The Earth cd{Self-Released} posted on 6-15-18

Barren Altar--Entrenched In The Faults Of The Earth cd{Self-Released}
Coming out of California's blackend doom metal scene is Barren Altar with their debut full length.Entrenched In The Faults Of The Earth is four tracks and one very well performed and written instrumental.The vocals are a mix of low deep growls and some raspy black metal screechs that fit Barrent Altar's dense,slow doomish black metal style perfectly.The guitarist plays with a lot of skill and experience going from a very slow doomish guitar tone to a more mid paced pace.The guitarist even speeds up to a faster pace in some sections before going back to the slower and heavier guitars.The drumming is done with precision and skill going from a fast and frenzied  drum style to a more calm and slower  drum pace.If you are looking for a great debut that mixes black metal and doom together for a great sound  then be sure  to  pick up  Entrenched In The Faults Of The Earth  today.

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