
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Wendigo--Hymns D' Outre-Tombe Cassette {Nekrart Prod.} posted on 4-1-18

Wendigo--Hymns D' Outre-Tombe  Cassette {Nekrart Prod.}

Nekart will be re-releasing Wendigo's  debut demo  with  two bonus  tracks that  have  been remastered.The vocals  are raw black metal screams that are done with a lot of power.The guitar work is extremely  fast and  aggressive with  some well written and played slower mid paced patterns.The drums are equally  as fast with  some well played  drumming patterns the drummer does slow to  a more mid paced and calmer mid paced drum patterns.If you  are a fan of cold,raw  black metal then do yourself  a favor  and pick up a  copy of Hymns D' Outre-Tomb  today.

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