
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Interview with Paganland done by Patrick posted on 4-29-18

Interview  with  Paganland  done  by  Patrick

1.Hello Ruen and Lycane, please introduce yourselves to the readers.
- Ruen, Lycane: Hi, we are musicians from Paganland. Ruen is a founder, composer and keyboardist. Lycane is a drummer.

2.Paganland was formed in 1997. What gave you an idea to start this band? Who do you feel are Paganland's biggest influences?
- Ruen: An idea to create the band came spontaneously: we gathered the call of the soul. Originally it was a studio project of just two musicians, mine and Bilozor. Natural mysticism hidden in the greatness of the Carpathian Mountains, dense forests and clear mountain springs; all this influenced us.

3.How do you feel the band’s musical style has changed over the years?
- Lycane: Naturally, music changed over time. New musicians came, old ones left the band. There were new technical opportunities. But the basis is still the same - Pagan Metal.

4. Did the band started to work on new music for the next release? How long does it takes for the band to complete one song?
- Lycane: Each song needs a different amount of time, but basically everything goes without a hitch. The new material will be prepared in the summer. After that, we will record it

5.Are Paganland's previous releases still available to buy? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise available?
- Lycane: Old releases should be available for sale at the label - Svarga Music. But now we also think of several reissues with a new design, at new music labels. We also think about digital releases. Soon, I think, they will be available on all known resources like bandcamp, soundcloud and maybe iTunes. But for us physical releases are in the first place. We are planning to make some T-shirts and Longsleeves for fans also.

6. Does Paganland play live very often? Which shows are the most memorable for the band over the years?
- Lycane: We don’t play live very often. This is due to the fact that we are an underground band. Usually we organize concerts ourselves in our country. Now we are planning to visit some European countries and are always ready to discuss the opportunities to play gigs outside of our country. The most memorable concerts you can watch on our YouTube channel.

7. Are there any tours or shows planned for 2018, if yes where will the band be playing?
- Lycane: Yes, we plan to perform in Lithuania at the Infinite Agony Ritual III festival, and also planning a concerts in Finland and in Ukraine at Taras Bulba festival.

8. Ruen, you play the keyboards for the band. When did you interested playing keyboards for the first time?
- Ruen: I started to play keyboards in 1996.

9. Who are some of your favorite keyboardists? Besides the keyboards do you currently play any other instruments?
- Ruen: Some of my favorite keyboardists are - Steinar "Sverd" Johnsen (Arcturus), Olexiy "Saturious" Gorbov (Nokturnal Mortum), Oyvind Johan "Mustis" Mustaparta (Dimmu Borgir)... And I don`t play on any other instruments.

10. Lycane you handle the drums for the band when did you started playing drums? Are you self-taught or did you took lessons when first starting out?
- Lycane: I started playing drums in 2001. I'm self-taught. And I'm still studying how to play on a drums better... Unfortunately, the realities of my time and circumstances in the family did not allow me to normally practice on drums. Now I catch up. It is good that now there are resources like Youtube and various online drum lessons.

11. Who would you say are some of your influences and favorite drummers?
- Lycane: There are many favorite drummers, but I can highlight some of them: Nicholas Barker (Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir...), Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg (Mayhem, Kovenant, Shining...), Kjetil-Vidar "Frost" Haraldstad (Satyricon, 1349...), Zbigniew Robert "Inferno" Prominski (Behemoth, Azarath...), Nils "Dominator" Fjellstrom (Dark Funeral, Sanctification...

12.Paganland comes out from Ukraine pagan black metal scene. What are your thoughts about black metal scene in the Ukraine?
- Ruen: The Ukrainian black metal scene is one of the strongest in the post-Soviet space. It is melodic and specific in its own way. But not so well known in the Western Europe and other countries.

13. Who are your all-time favorite Ukrainian bands and are there any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
- Ruen, Lycane: There are a number of interesting musical projects, many of these bands are our friends. You can check out Zgard, Colotyphus, Eskapism, Stryvigor, Burshtyn, Raventale, Kaosophia, Ungolyantha and many others...

14. Besides bands are there any honest, reliable labels and distro's you feel the readers should check out soon?
- Lycane: I can highlight only Grand Sounds Promotion, Noizr and Bloodreddistribution. In general, everything is very bad with music labels in our country. Many bands are making self-released production or issued on foreign labels such as the Polish Werewolf or others.

15. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final words for the readers?
- Ruen, Lycane: Thank you for your interest to Paganland. Support the musical underground. See you at our concerts!

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