
Friday, March 16, 2018

Interview with Cardiac Arrest done by Patrick posted on 3-16-18

Interview with Adam Scott guitarist and vocalist for Cardiac Arrest done by Patrick

1. Hello Adam, how are you doing this week? Please introduce yourself to the readers.

Doing alright, Patrick. Just relaxing after a long day and rocking to Thin Lizzy. I perform guitar and lead vocal duties in the band and aspiring mass murder during the day depending on who I come across

2. When did you first get the idea to start the band and how did you choose Cardiac Arrest for the name of the band?

When we thought about a name just some odd twenty years ago. It was a matter of what seems cool and not taken, haha. Went starting out too it was also a case of finding friends with the common interest in Metal. As well as ones that actually wanted to actually PLAY the music.

3. Cardiac Arrest will be releasing their sixth full-length, “A Parallel Dimension Of Despair”, through the mighty Memento Mori. How did you and the band come in contact with this label?
I knew Raul at Memento Mori and had a handful of his other releases, so I was aware of them. When we were searching for a label for “A Parallel Dimension of Despair”, I let Raul hear some songs as an idea of what he would get. There was definitely interest. A lot of talking went on and then... Well, as the saying goes, the rest is history, haha.

4. How long did it take you and the band to write the music for the new release?

It takes some time usually, between playing shows on occasion and having to deal with work schedules that play a factor. Definitely doesn't get easier as you get older for sure. Plus, we took a little time to record some of these songs for a promo CD with shopping to labels being the purpose in mind. So I would say about a year and a half or so.

5. Adam, you handle the vocal duties for the band so I assume you write the lyrics for the music. What are some subjects you wrote about on “A Parallel Dimension Of Despair”?

Most of them, yes. “Rotting Creator” being the exception, which were lyrics that Tom (guitar) had from one of his old bands, Dogod. Here's a play by play with some of the songs. “When the Teeth Sink in” is inspired by the Italian gutmuncher Cannibal Apocalypse. “Immoral and Absurd” is a salute to fans of Metal and horror alike. Both go together like milk and cookies, and both seem to get the 'stink eye’ from most society. “It Takes Form” was inspired by John Carpenter's The Thing. “Professional Victim” is simply poking fun at today's PC culture. It has no place in metal and NEVER has!

6. Besides the upcoming release, does the band have any other merchandise available for the readers?

If yes, what is available and where can the readers buy it? Yes. I could go on about what we have all together, but people can order CD’s, vinyl, t-shirts, etc at

7. In your opiniĆ³n, what is the best and worst thing about the underground scene today? And what does underground Metal mean to you?

Hard to say what is best. The hunger out of those sort of bands maybe. Worst, like most walks  of life, it has its phonies. That talk the talk and don't walk the walk. Wait a minute... I think I also just answered the second part of the question as well, haha.

8. I know Cardiac Arrest has played many shows over the years. What were some of your most memorable shows that the band has played? And who were some of the bands you shared the stage with?
Definitely a handful. Getting the chance to open up for Autopsy in Chicago in 2012 was beyond phenomenal. Montreal on tour with Enthroned and Destroyer 666 was was otherworldly. Most of the dates when we toured Europe with Nominon were a blast, and the ender was Neurotic Deathfest in the Netherlands, easily the most people we ever played to. Recently, we played out in San Antonio, Texas, for an event called Winter Hell, with bands like Weaponizer, Nucleus and a plethora of others and it was just a flat out violent crowd. Texas knows how to do it up!!!

9. Are there any upcoming shows or tours planned in support of “A Parallel Dimension of Despair”? If yes, where will the band be playing and are there any plans to do an European tour?

Yes, a trek in Europe is in the Works, including being on the NRW Deathfest. Also playing with Nunslaughter in Chicago in May. Also a few other things we have in the works that aren't completely set up, but we have some plans on some good things!

10. Besides the upcoming release, I have read that Transcending Records will be releasing the debut, “Morgue Mutilations”, on vinyl? When did you first get the idea to re-release the debut on vinyl?

It is indeed out now. Well, “Morgue Mutilations” has been out of print for a number of years and long overdue for the vinyl treatment. So what better time to put it out? CD version will come out in due time as well.

11. Are there any plans to re-release the past Cardiac Arrest releases on vinyl soon?
No immediate plans at this time. But that is something we definitely want to do.

12. When you need to take a break from writing new music or band business, what do you like to do in your free time?

I like watching movies from time to time. Hit the gym. Of course collecting music. Or just flat out taking a fucking nap!

13. Thank you Adam for taking the time to fill this interview out. Do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thanks a bunch for the interview. For those reading, get “A Parallel Dimension of Despair”! Thanks for the continued support and hope to see if we come to a city near you!

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