
Monday, February 12, 2018

Cadaver Putrefacto--La Maldicion Del Zombi Errante cd {Brutal Records} done by Patrick posted on 2-12-18

Cadaver  Putrefacto--La  Maldicion  Del  Zombi Errante  cd  {Brutal  Records}

Coming out  of  Argentina  is Cadaver  Putrefacto  who play a  very aggressive and brutal form of death metal.Their debut release La  Maldicion  Del  Zombi Errante  is nine songs of mid 90's death metal with some touches of  modern day brutality added into  some  mixed into  some of the  songs.Leonel handles  the  vocal duties  which  are  deep,guttural  death growls  that fit the bands music perfectly.Juan takes care of the  guitars  which  are a  mix of  fast and frenzied guitars  and some controlled  mid paced guitar parts.Juan  also takes care of programming the drums for the debut  which are mix of brutal,fast drums  and some 90's inspired mid paced drum patterns.If you are a  fan of early Cannibal Corpse,Broken  Hope and Dehumanized  then  be  sure to  pick up  a  copy  of   La  Maldicion Del Zombi Errante  when it is released.

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