
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Interview with Atomwinter done by Patrick posted on 1-23-18

Interview  with  Atomwinter  done  by Patrick

1.Hello  how  is  2018  starting out for you  and the  band?Please  introduce  yourself to  the readers?

Hi there and thank you for your interest in ATOMWINTER. 2018 couldn't start better for us, because on February the 9th we will release our new album ''Catacombs''.
It will be the third full length album since we formed ATOMWINTER in 2010. We are four oldschool maniacs from Germany, and with ATOMWINTER we bring the good old vibes back into Death Metal.

2.When did you first discover metal music  and who were some of the first bands you  listened to?And who  are some of your  current favorite  bands?

I discovered metal music in the late 90's and as far as I can remember I listened to Hypocrisy, Dismember and Gorefest that days. It was a glorious time for old school Death Metal!
Shortly after that I was also interested in classic metal like Maiden and doom influenced music like Black Sabbath. Death Metal bands from the 90's are still my favourites, and on this point nothing has changed to this day.

3.You all  formed Atomwinter  in 2010 what gave you  the idea to  start this  band?And how  did you  choose  Atomwinter  as the name of the band?

We all were in other metal bands before ATOMWINTER and maybe we were tired of making compromises in a musical point of view. So we wanted to create something new but yet old school because our roots lie in old school Death Metal. The name comes from our longtime and good friend Carsten Boritzki. He also created the first band logo for us and has been a big supporter from the beginning. Without Carsten ATOMWINTER would be nothing!

4.What is  the  current line up  of  the band?And for the readers who have  never heard Atomwinter's music  how  would you  best  describe  it to the  readers?
 ATOMWINTER consists of Olle Holzschneider (vocals), Martin Schulz (bass), Patrick Walter (drums) and me  Benni Grapp on guitar. Our former singer Christopher Lehmann had to leave the band in 2013 because of his professional activities, and he also moved to southern Germany.
I don't like to describe my music, but if I have to here is a statement:
If you like the filthy and uncompromising atmosphere of 90's style Death Metal, then you are right with us!
ATOMWINTER is like a 60 tons tank that will overrun you before it spits out your guts through its gun barrel.
And after you have died a glorious death we will take you into the morbid catacombs of doom!
That's all I can tell you!

5.Catacombs is  the bands third full length release how long did it take  the band to  write and record the  songs for  this  release?

For us it took quite a long time to create this album, because we wanted to test our own musical limits.
The songwriting process took a little more than a year, but for the recordings we only spent 6 days in the studio. We like to capture the fresh and brutal energy of our songs, and we don't stay in the studio longer than necessary.

6.Who usually  handles  writing the lyrics  for the music and what  are some subjects written about on the upcoming release?
 Mainly Olle is responsible for the lyrics, but I also  contributed the lyrics for 3 songs. On ''Catacombs'' you will find some creepy little stories about the demise of humanity and the abyss of human souls. The lyrics on ''Iron Flesh'' were all about war. Now the mood is more dark and mysterious.

7.Besides  the Catacombs  release  are the previous  two releases still availilble for the readers to buy?Besides  physical  releases  does the band have  any other  merchandise  available  for the readers to purchase  if yes what is  available and where can the readers  buy it?

Yes of course.
All releases and a lot of merchandise like shirts and other stuff are still available here:
The shop guarantees best prices and worldwide shipping.

8.What  have  been some of  Atomwinter's most memorable  shows over the years?And who  are  some bands you  all have  shared the stage  with?
 Every gig is a highlight for us, but the most emotional moment in 2017 was our show at the PartySan Festival in Germany, when we played in front of nearly 3000 people.
The PartySan is the biggest extreme metal festival in Germany, and it was an honour to be part of this event.
While we are on the subject, we have had the opportunity to share the stage with bands like Asphyx, God Dethroned, Desaster, Autopsy and many, many other great bands.

9.Are  there any tours or shows planned in  support of  Catacombs?If yes where  will the  band  be  playing?

Yes we are already in the preparations for 2018, and there will be a lot of shows all over the country including festival gigs in summer. Also we are planning to tour with our buddies from Collapse Instinct in autumn this year. So watch out for ATOMWINTER in 2018!

10.How do you  feel  the underground metal scene has changed  over the  years?And  what does underground metal  mean to you?

The underground scene is stronger than ever. There are so many current metal bands which are worth to discover. We got much support and the opportunities to play live are outstanding. The solidarity inside our scene is awesome, and that's not going to change soon. We are proud to be part of this scene, and we will die for it if it's necessary.

11.Besides  old-school death metal do you listen to  any other forms of metal or  underground music in general?If yes who are some of your favorite  bands and artists?

Nowadays I listen to all kinds of harder guitar music, if it' s honest. I can not name individual bands, but beside Death Metal, Doom, Black Metal and Stonerrock are my preferred styles.

12.When  not  working on  new  music or band  business  what  do you like to do in your free  time any hobbies?

Beside our Band and our daily work we like to hang around with our metal buddies and have some cold beers or whatever. We also go to metal concerts nearly every second weekend and we like to support the underground scene. Don't you think that's enough for a hobby?! 

13.Besides  working in Atomwinter  do you or any of the members  currently  play in  any other bands?If yes please tell  the readers a little  about them?

No! There is no place for other projects beside ATOMWINTER. It´s a musical full time job!

14.Thank you  for  taking the time  to  fill  this  interview  out do you  have any  parting  comments  for the  readers?

It was a pleasure to answer this interview and I would like to thank the readers for taking time to read these lines. Our new album ''CATACOMBS'' will be released on February the 9th and hopefully you can handle 10 songs of raw and filthy old school Death Metal. Hails to Canada and support the underground!!!

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