
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Reviews done by Anders posted on 10-18-17

Annihilation - "The Undivided Wholeness of All Things" (Review By Anders Like Tears In Rain)
So, this album starts off with an over four minute instrumental? That seems pretty bold on their part. It sounds good, for sure. Has sort of a slow Suffocation meets Immolation vibe to it...but not a rip-off of either band. The second song starts off with a slightly peculiar speedy opening, then - transitions into the more mid-paced mesmerizing churning of ghostly vapors and mist - that expounds throughout this release's entirety. A thick swirling fog in a rocky and desolate (yet, paradoxically, alive and vibrant) forest of unknown lands exudes forth. Vocals, now. Deep and somewhat guttural. They rise up, a bit, in pitch - throughout the song - matching, nicely, with the flowing purple darkness of undulating guitars. There's sort of an opaquely ethereal atmosphere overall - with the drums offering varied combinations to keep the concoction alluring and interesting. They, sort of, have a "jazz" type signature to them. It seems like percussion that could've/would've been in/on those great Death albums...and Control Denied if it would've continued (sans Chuck Schuldiner's "premature" passing). Track four ("The Illusion of Space and Time") has some guitar riffing that reminds me of some of the presentation on Hate Eternal's "Conquering the Throne" (though, played at half speed). There's some Morbid Angel "Gateways to Annihilation" reminiscence going on in "Emptiness Defiled". All the songs are rather "slow", really. Almost pensive. Contemplative. But not - at all - boring. They are powerfully demonstrative with many things going on with each instrument - even if just subtly woven. Again, there's a strong Suffocation type presence interlaced in these songs, primarily. "Omniverse", also, has a tinge of Mithras thrown it to add some cosmically eerie spice. I recommend this album to anyone who likes the other bands mentioned and/or to those who want to listen to something intricately heavy in-between sessions of pure blasting - to "take a breather" or "cleanse the palette", so to speak.

Come Back From The Dead - "Caro Data Vermibus" - 2017 (Review by Anders Smelly Whores The Banishment Dew)

So, according to an internet translation device - the title of this e.p. is Latin for "was given to worms". Interesting. Funny! The latter, also, being for the music and concept of this band! Welcome back to 1991! Or 1992! Or 1993! Maybe, 1989, you say? When Death Metal was in its infancy and heralding its point of interest and creativity. Not to mean anything beyond that was and isn't significant, of course. Leaps and bounds, creeps and hounds! "Jinkies and zoinks!" There's just a certain "nostalgia" related to those early years that a lot of "old timers", today, look back at with fondness and irreplaceable certainty of being. This release holds up well as an homage and slightly absurd tongue-in-cheek reverence to those yesterdays of youthful abandonment. It's reminiscent of Entombed and Necrophagia, for the most part, I'd say. Maybe, Unleashed. Maybe, Asphyx. Maybe, early Morgoth. That ilk. The songs, here, are "okay" on their own...nothing "special". Only "endearing" in the sense that the sound/images is/are "retro" without much effort. These guys aren't the Steel Panther of Death Metal. No overt "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" going on here. This e.p. seems like it's for those who were there at the beginning. The days of tape trading. Even the cover art is very much representative of that hey-day (much like the "hey-day of hair spray" in the glam vein). It makes me chuckle in a good way. Though, it seems if these guys are "serious" about what they are doing - it will be intriguing to know where they might go with this. Conceptually? Will it be more about selling t-shirts than music? Novelty? I guess we'll see in another 20 years, if these guys survive and thrive. Though, a lot of us will be literally dead by, how will we know? Enjoy it while you can, I guess. Get a few laughs in, 'cuz you won't get the last laugh - that you can count on!

Jupiterian - "Terraforming" - 2017 (Review by Anders Thought Expansion Is The Key In The Doorway of Transcendence While The Mind Is The Foot In That Said Doorway That Was Unlocked The Whole Time But Imagined Not To Be)
It's really starting to amaze me that the musical flavors I've been tasting, lately - with regard to "old preferences" and "solidified unsubstantiated biases" have no particular hold on "reality" and "truth". For instance, I "never" liked "Doom Metal" and would furl my brow, sneer, and cringe with disgust when that sub-genre was spoken of. Even "Sabbath" was gag worthy, most of the time. Yes, yes...I know. Blasphemy and treachery! How dare I speak in such ways! I've had a couple of "friends" who gravitated toward that side of the spectrum (one of whom also gravitated toward "BBW's" - a.k.a. Fat Fuckin' Barely Human Females). Planetary destruction in double and triple X entendre proportions? Where am I going with this? The weight? The heaviness? The Doooooooooom! Rhymes with woooooooooomb! And tooooooooomb! But not comb. Why? I don't know. And I don't know why I like what I'm hearing right now. This is classified as "Atmospheric Sludge Doom" and I'm fully ensnared and captivated by it. "Stockholm Syndrome"? I think not... I really have no idea. This is some powerful undulating hypnotic soundscapes. Cleverly crafted. I will recommend this to the second "old friend" that I'm still in contact with - if I remember to, that is. I think there would be a rejoicing upon the mountain of fathomless foundations rising above the sea of mediocrity! The cover art says it all.