
Friday, September 22, 2017

Interview  with  Under  Assault   done  by  Patrick posted up on 9-22-17

Interview  with  Under  Assault   done  by  Patrick

1.Hello  please  introduce  yourself  to  the  readers?And  at what
age  did you discover  metal  music?

Under Assault is a thrash metal band from Asunci�n, Paraguay, active from 2011, we discovered heavy metal when we went to high school

2.Who  were  the  first  bands you listened  to  and  who  are  some
of your  current favorite  bands?

The first bands were metallica, iron maiden, manowar, black sabbath, sepultura, slayer, mercyful fate, our favorite bands are so many, exodus, d.r.i., agent steel, cyclone (from belgium) destructor (from cleveland) randy (from denmark) destruction, sodom, kreator, tankard, exumer, hellhammer, celtic frost, messiah, obituary, sarcofago, etc..

3.When  did you  first  meet the  other  members  of the  band?And what  is the  current  line-up  of  the  band?

All members used to frequent shows in the scene of Asunci�n when we were younger, we used to exchange material from our favorite bands and over time we became good friends, the current line up is: Marcelo nightlord and Esteban Centurion on guitars, Bruno Hunter on drums and Willians Destructor on bass and screams.

4. Possessed By Steel  is  the bands  newest 7Inch  how  long  did  it take  the  band  to  write  the  music  for  this  release?

It took us a short time to finish it, because both songs had certain arrangements in both lyric and instrumental, that meant that it took us some time to finish it.

5.Besides  the  Possessed By  Steel  release  does  the  band have  any other releases  still  available for the readers  to purchase?Besides physical releases does the  band have  any other  merchandise  if  yes what  is  available and  where  can  the readers buy it?

Yes, we have the demos (violent thrash 2012 and Process to kill 2013) sold out, 2 splits hell guarani and reptilian brigade, and the underground metal till death album released Independent last year, which we still have several copies, you can get them at witches brew and other stores:  -  - -  - or you can write to the fanpage of the band and we will coordinate the shipments.

6.Has  Under  Assault   started  to  work  on  new  music for thenext  release?If  yes  how  many  songs will be  on the  next release?

Yes, we are working on new songs for the next material, probably it will have between 8 or 9 songs.

7.Will  the  band  be working  with Witches  Brew  for the next release or  have you  discussed it  with  the label?

Yes, the new material will come out through Witches Brew, whom we thank eternally for trusting us and giving us their support.

8.Does  Under  Assault   play  live  very  often? If  yes  what  have been  some  of the bands most  memorable shows  so  far?

Yes, we have the opportunity to play often, thanks to the support of the organizers and headbangers who ask for us, a very memorable show for us was in Santiago de Chile last year, it was the first time that we left our Paraguayan underground scene, and playing in a big festival there with headbangers who supported us, it was epic and memorable.   We have a great memory of that moment.

9.Are their  any  shows  or  tours  coming  up  in  support  of  Possessed By Steel ?If  yes  where  will the  band  be  playing?

We have a show scheduled for December in the city of Posadas Argentina where we will take the opportunity to present the new meterial.

10.Besides  playing  in  Under  Assault   do  you or  any  of  the members  currently  play  in  any  other  bands?If  yes  please  tell  the readers a  little  about  them?

Yes, Marcelo Nightlord is a guitarist for Evil Force, a thrash metal band that has been active since 2015. They have 2 studio albums, demos, splits, and shared stage with legendary bands like Artillery, Onslaught, Razor, Esteban is active in bands like Scratchy Noise, crossover) Noisy pest infectian (grind) and Slayground thrash metal formed in 2009, are influenced by bands from the bay area, have an album called critical thinking have shared stage with legends like Exodus, Ratos do Poro, Artillery and Bruno Hunter is drummer of Toxic Avenger thrash metal active since 2012 recently released their first full length.

11.Under  Assault   comes  out  of Paraguay's  thrash  metal  scene
what  is your  opinion  of   the  metal  scene in  Paraguay?

The scene in Paraguay has been strengthened in recent times, many new bands have released quality material, and some have had the opportunity to go out to touch other South American countries as well as to send their physical materials to other parts of the planet.

12.Who  are  your  all-time  favorite  bands  coming  out  of Paraguay?And  are  there  any  new  bands  you  feel  the  readers should  check  out  soon?

There are several, and all are legendary classic bands that in some way or other have marked and influenced us to form a band, such as Agent steel, old metallica, slayer, exodus, possessed, death, nuclear assault, death angl, sacred raich, anvil bitch, cyclone, destructor , kreator, grim reaper, iron maiden, saxon, holocaust, venom, etc.
Some band recommendation: Sent to destroy from Argentina and Massive Power from Chile, these guys kicks ass !!

13.When  not  working  on  new music or band  business  what  do you
like  to do  in your  free  time?

In the free time we dedicate to enjoy the music of our favorite bands with lots of beer !!!

14.Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this  interview  out
do you  have  any  final  comments  for the  readers?

Muchas gracias por el espacio, saludos a todos los lectores del Winter torment zine.

                                                                      Band  Contacts
                                                                      Label  Contacts