
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Syn Ze Sase Tri done by Patrick on 8-13-17

Interview  with  Syn  Ze  Sase Tri   done  by  Patrick
1.Hello  please  introduce  yourself  to  the  readers?

Hello there! I am Corb guitarist and vocalist of the most bloody and powerful metal band from Transylvania-Romania. And not only! Haha

2. Syn  Ze  Sase Tri   was  formed  in  2007  when  did you  all  get the idea to  start this  band?And  how  did you  choose   Syn  Ze  Sase Tri   as the name of the  band  does it  have a  special  meaning?

Me and the first members of Syn Ze Sase Tri we had sung together before Syn Ze Sase Tri, in several bands approaching genres of extreme metal generally, bands that have influenced and led to the birth of this band. The name itself is inspired by a pre-Christian prayer dedicated to a deity, prayer carved on a gravestone which was discovered by archaeologists here in Romania, which translated would mean “I’m with triple six”.  This number, 666, being away from the occult meaning, in many cases in the pre-Christian mythology being assigned as the limit between the world of gods and men, a sacred number. The prayer itself was incorporated into the song “Ruga” (The Prayer) a song that ends our first album. The prayer became the perfect starting point for the whole concept of the band and the name gave the identity of who we are today as a band.

3.What  is  the  current  line-up  of  the  band  and who  would you  say  are the  bands  biggest  influences are?

On this album Syn Ze Sase Tri is:
Corb - vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, percussion, traditional instruments, synth and programables
Mos - electric guitars
Dor - drums
Suier - vocals

On this album we had an army of musicians which are playing in some of the greatests bands from Romania as guests, which I would like to mention with this occasion:

Ovidiu Ioncu "Kempes" (
Andy Ghost (
Robert Dohar 
Constantin "Castor" Lapusneanu (
Dudu Isabel (
Andy Ionescu (
Aura Danciulescu (
Adrian "Geagea" Marias (

Me as the composer and founder of the band, i was very moved by the conceptual music. The Wall of Pink Floyd, or the music of King Diamond, Avantasia or even better Scenes From A Memory of Dream Theater were my guiding point. I always wanted to make music which has a story. I like to listen to something that keeps me nailed to the music for the entire album, not just on some tracks. But of course other bands from extreme music such as Dimmu Borgir, Emperor or Cradle of Filth, had a big impact over me so from all those Syn Ze Sase Tri was born. I listen to anything that sends an emotion, that has something to say. Otherwise is a waste of energy and time.

4.The  band  is  signed  to  Code 666 Rec.  How  did you  all come  contact  with this  label?

In 2009 i joined Negura Bunget as full time member for 2 years, and in this time I got to knew Emi from Aural Music, and that was the moment when we started this collaboration which now is at the 4'th album and going on.

5.Zaul Mos  is  the band's  fourth  full length release  how  long  did  it  take  the  band to  write  the  music  for  this  release?

I started working on it at the end of 2015 and it took me until the end of the recordings in May 2017. It was a continuous process of creation and recordings.

6.Who  usually  handles  writing  the lyrics  for the  band and  what  are  some  subjects  you  wrote  about  on  Zaul Mos ?

I compose the music and the lyrics as well. For this album as for the previous 3 albums, the subjects are taken from the Romanian mythology, folklore and history. It is a fantasy, a fabulation, but it contains facts that have a deep foundation in our culture.

7.Does  Syn  Ze  Sase Tri    play  live  very  often  or do you  prefer to  work  in the  studio? What  have  been  some  of the  bands most memorable  shows  over the  years?

Yea, we like to play live as much as we can. It is hard to book shows nowadays because the industry is overwhelmed, but we try to get to as many shows as possible. 
 The best shows so far for us were the ones in which we opened for the biggest names in metal, such as Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Dark Funeral or Carach Angren. Why? Because at that level of organisation and the importance of the events, we had our chance to prove in the same conditions and to the same public that we are close to their level, a fact that the public shared with us, and was somehow our certitude that we are doing the right thing.

8.Are  there  any  tours  or  shows  planned  for  the new release? If  yes  where  will  the band be  playing?

In september we will have a european tour, THE ELDER GOD TOUR, which will be the first leg of the promotional tour of the new album, tour that will be continued in the spring and throughout the rest of the 2018.
You can see us live in september as follows:

16/09/2017 - Osijek, HR - Exit Club
17/09/2017 - Bjelovar, HR - Mario Pub
18/09/2017 - Wien, AT - Viper Room Club
19/09/2017 - Zurich, CH - Ebrietas Pub
20/09/2017 - Munich, DE - Garage Deluxe Club
21/09/2017 - Praha, CZ - Fatal Music Club
22/09/2017 - Bratislava, SK - Fuga Music Club
23/09/2017 - Poprad, SK - Rock Fabric Club
24/09/2017 - Kosice, SK - Colloseum 

9.Has   Syn  Ze  Sase Tri    ever  made  a  video  for  any of their songs? Are there  plans to  make one  for  any  of the songs off  the  new release? If you  could  which  song  would you  like to  see made into  a  video?

Sadly until now we did not manage to make any real music video, and we will not make one until we will be able to make a professional one. We have in plan to make one but it will take a lot of time, effort and money because it will be very cinematic. Something like our version of Lord Of The Rings. Haha. I hope that next year we will make it, and for sure you will hear about it too.

10.Besides  working  in  Syn  Ze  Sase Tri   do  any  of the  members  currently  work with  any other  bands or  solo  projects? If  yes  could you  please tell the readers  a  little  about  them?

Two of my band mates, the drummer and the lead singer are playing in some other bands like Malpraxis and An Theos, bands that are also very good and have their own identity and message. I cannot say much about their activity in those bands because i am focused on Syn Ze Sase Tri, but for sure i can recommend them to be listened. Check them out!

11. Syn  Ze  Sase Tri   comes  out  of  Romania's  black metal  scene  what  is your  opinion  of  the  Romanian  metal  scene?

I have a very good opinion. We have here a lot of good bands, take your time and search for Trooper, Bucovina, Gothic, Target, Kempes, Altar, Seven, God the barbarian horde, Alin Moise, Taine, Awake, Scarlet Aura, Transsylvania Phoenix, L.O.S.T., Malpraxis, Necrovile, Clitgore, E-an-na, Cargo, Resita Rocks, An Theos, Ashaena, and those are just a few that comes to my mind right now.

12.Who  are  your  all-time  favorite  bands coming out  of  Romania? And  are their  any  new  bands  you  feel  the  readers  should  check  out  soon?

All the bands i mentioned above. I strongly recomend them!

13.Besides  working on new  music or  band  business  what  do you  like to  do  in your  spare  time?

I love riding motorcycles, horse riding, carving, painting, working with leather and organic materials, nature, reading, anything that can give me a state of relaxation but in the same time to give me the opportunity to become much better as human. The good thing is that many of these things help me a lot with the band. So it combines the use with the pleasure.

14.Thank you  for  taking  the  time to  fill this  interview  out  do you  have  any  final  words  for the  readers?

Listen to our music and you will find out other great musicians who joined us on this album, buy our CD's, come to our gigs, and support our band. But don't forget to do this with all the bands. Without you, we cannot exist. Without us you have nothing to listen to. So try to support the metal scene as much as you can. Not just the big bands. Once they were like us. 
 Follow us on our facebook page and visit our website

 Rock on and get bloodstained! \m/

                                                       Band  Contacts