
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Void Ritual interview done by Patrick posted on 7-26-17

Interview  with  Daniel J. vocals  and  all   instruments  of  Void  Ritual   done  by  Patrick

1. Hails  Daniel  when  did you first  get the  idea  to  form  Void  Ritual? And  how  did you  choose  the  name   Void  Ritual  as the name of the  band?

Hails! When you’re just one person making music, it’s really just as simple as deciding on a style and going with it. In Void Ritual’s case, I had begun writing songs in a certain style and decided it needed a name. Void Ritual works because a lot of people, myself included think of playing music as a cathartic experience. These songs are a way for me to purge some of the malignant shit in my life. Whether that just be emotional or based on actual things that happen out in the world at large.

2. Heretical Wisdom is  the  bands  newest  full length  how  long  did it  take to  write  the  music for  this  release?

I started writing the album just after completing my part of the split with Barshasketh. I just kinda kept going that winter. I had an album completed in 2015 and a label set to put the album out. I ended up re-recording and re-writing the album in the meantime, however when it came time to release the album, the label needed to go on a hiatus. So I used that as an opportunity to re-re-record the album, and included some newer songs as well. 

To be honest, I’ll be glad when the album’s out because this has been such a long process that at this point I’m ready to move on to newer projects and/or newer Void Ritual material. I’m excited about the album being released and still love each of these songs, but I’ve dwelled on them for long enough now.

3. Where do  you  draw  inspiration  for the  lyrics  and  what  are  some  subjects you  wrote  about on  Heretical Wisdom ?

On previous releases I’ve written about suffering and horrific events from history. With Heretical Wisdom, I took a bit more care and wrote about subjects that are a bit more personal, blending those topics with fantasy for the sake of bringing those topics into a black metal context. “The Flood” is about existential crises, but it reads like it’s about a sentient earth drowning us because we deserve it. “Breathing Ice” is about the emotions of sorrow and isolation, but talks about it as if it were abandonment in cold winter mountains.  Dead in Blackest Night is a revenge fantasy against a fictional stand-in for all of the racists pieces of shit there are in the world. It’s all over the place, really.

4.Besides  the  new  release  are  any  of the  bands previous  releases still  available to  purchase? Besides physical releases  is their  any  other  merchandise  available if  yes  what  is  available  and  where can the  readers  buy  it?

Both the Holodomor and  the split are sold out, physically, but they’re both available on Bandcamp, digitally.  Spirits of the Black Past is an “odds n’ ends” compilation that was only released on Bandcamp.

Currently, there isn’t any merch, so no shirts or anything like that, though if someone wants to produce them, I’m open to the idea.

5. Daniel,  you  are  the sole  member  of the band  did you  plan to  work  alone  or  would you  like to  find  new musicians  to  join the  band?

I’d always planned on Void Ritual being a solo thing. Between my family, my job, and everything else, being in an actual touring band would be a strain on my family, and it wouldn’t be fair to them. Would I be open to doing a live show as part of a fest or something? Maybe, but I also don’t think anyone else would find learning my songs worth it for them. What would they get out of the experience? Especially for a project with such a limited audience to begin with.

For recording material? I’m not saying it will never happen, but I’ve gotten very used to just doing everything on my own. I’m not sure how well I’d work with others at this point.

6. If  you  could  work  with  any  musicians past or  present  who  are some  you  would  like to work  with?

In a world where I’m financially stable enough to make something like that happen, working with Fenriz or Frost on drums would be incredible. The problem there is that Fenriz finds my style of black metal pretty boring at this point. He’d much rather play something in a traditional heavy metal or early death metal kind of style. He talks about this sort of thing in interviews or on album commentaries quite a bit.  

I have no idea what Frost likes or doesn’t, but I do know that is very underrated for his creativity. Everyone knows about how fast he is, but listen to the unique style in his fills on Nemesis Divina or Rebel Extravaganza. The guy’s incredibly gifted in that respect. As I’m thinking about it, Caryn Havlik of Mortals is interesting for a lot of the same reasons, and I’ve already met her and she was wonderful to talk to. There are others too, but you get the idea.

7. What  does  black  metal  mean  to you?

I fluctuate on this a bit. In some ways, it means the world to me. I’ve dedicated a massive amount of my time, effort, and money to it for 20 years now. At the same time, it’s just a subgenre of music. You always see musicians putting forward the idea that music can change the world, but that seems awfully self-important and self-serving. Then again, I’ve only got middling talent anyway, so maybe I’m just mocking that notion because I’m not talented enough to have that kind of impact on people. 

Now, if you’re asking about what defines black metal to me, I would say the actual music is what counts there. Everyone’s got their own boundaries for what they will or won’t accept, lyrically.

8. Daniel, you  take care of the  vocals.  When did you  first  start  screaming? Do you do  anything  special  to  keep your  throat  and voice  healthy?

Right out of the womb, really (kidding). But in bands, I started at around 15. I had no idea what I was doing so I just yelled, and it wasn’t any good. Over time I kind of figured out how to do it without ruining my throat. I don’t do anything special health-wise, but since it’s just for recording purposes, there are usually long periods of rest between each time I do it.

9. Who are  some  of your  favorite  vocalists?

I think Henri from God Dethroned is probably the vocalist I took the most influence from, especially how he sounded in the mid to late 90s. There was a lot of raw humanity that came through in his vocals, particularly in that era. Dead, for similar reasons, though he’s not a direct influence on what I did on Heretical Wisdom.

10. Besides the vocals, you also handle the guitars. When  did you  start  playing  the  guitar? Are you  self-taught, or did you take lessons when  first  starting  out?

A bit of both. I got a few lessons to start, just showing me basic chords so I could learn simple songs. After that, I had to figure everything else out on my own. I didn’t even know how to palm mute until I had already been playing for a couple of years. It was a really slow process. 

11. Who are some of your influences and favorite guitarists? Besides the guitars are there any other instruments you  play? Are there any instruments you would like to learn to play one day?

Songwriting-wise, this album is pretty heavily influence my Satyr’s work on Nemesis Divina, as well as Aismal and Haavard’s work on Ulver’s Nattens Madrigal. As far as other instruments, I do play bass as well, and I dabble a bit with keyboards, though I’m still a relative novice with them. I’d like to learn a bowed instrument at some point, either Violin or Cello, but I have no idea how or when that ever might happen.

12. Besides working in Void Ritual, do you currently have any other projects or bands you  play in? If yes, please tell the readers a little about them?

I have a fair number of things going on outside of Void Ritual. I’ve got Dead Wretch, which is more of a punk/rock influenced project. I’m finishing up a release for that in the near future. I also have a project called Vereiteln that will be recording soon with Adam from Rêx Mündi, which will be a raw, traditional black metal project. 

13. Thank you Daniel for taking the time to fill this  interview out do you have any final  comments for the readers?

Thank you for taking the time to check this out, and make sure to pick up the album through either Throats Productions for the CD, or through Tridroid Records for the cassette! Both are limited quantity releases, so don’t hold out for too long.

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