
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Terrifier done by Patrick posted on 5-7-17

Canada's  thrashing  maniacs  Terrifier   released  their  second  cd  "Weapons Of Thrash Destruction earlier  this  year.If you  are  a  fan  of  early  80's  U.S,Canadian  thrash  metal  then  be  sure to  check  out  Terrifier  today
Interview with Chase   vocalist of Terrifier   done by Patrick
1. Hello Chase  how  are  things  going  with you  these days? Please introduce yourself to  the  readers?
C: Hey guys my names Chase and I sing for Terrifier. 
2.When  did you first  discover thrash metal  and  who  were some  of the first  bands you   listened  to? Who  are  some  of your  current  favorite  bands ?
 C: The first time I ever heard metal was in grade six, this guy brought in his brother’s Metallica’s “Ride The Lightning” CD. The obsession basically started from there. On to Slayer, Exodus and Pantera etc.
3.When  did you  first  meet the  other  members  of the band  and  was  it  long  before you  all  started Terrifier?
C: Rene and I answered an ad in a guitar shop looking for other musicians to jam with. We met up and jammed on Master of Puppets all the way through and decided to learn more covers to play and eventually we started writing originals.
4..What  is  the  current  line-up  of  the  band   and for the readers  who  have  never  heard  Terrifier's  music  how  would you  best  describe  the  music?
C: We got Rene Wilkinson on lead guitar, Kyle Shepard on drums, Brent Gallant on the other lead guitar, Alex Giles on bass and myself on vocals. I would say we're technical melodic thrash if I had to narrow it down. 
5.Weapons Of  Thrash Destruction  is  the  band’s  newest  release  how  long  did it  take the  band to  write the  music  for this  release?
C- It was quite a few years of riffs kicking around before we pieced it all together.

6.Chase  you  take  care  of the  vocals  for the  band  so  I figure you  write the  lyrics  for the  music  what  are  some topics  you  wrote  about  on  the  new  release?
C- My lyrical ideas come from books, movies, history and sometimes I'm just making stuff up off of a cool song title I'll come up with. 
7.Besides  Weapons Of  Thrash Destruction   does  the  band  have  any  other  releases  or  merchandise  available  for  the readers? If  yes  what  is  available  and  where  can the readers  buy  it?
C- Yes we have our first album Destroyers of the Faith and our Metal or Death E.P.  Both are available on CD Baby for online order.
8. Terrifier    recently  had  a small tour in April  in  support  of the  new release how  do  you  feel  the  tour  went? Who  were some  bands you  had  the  pleasure to  share the  stage  with?
C- It went really well actually, we had a lot of fun and met some amazing people. WMD from Calgary are some really awesome thrashers. Aiomon from Nelson are really killer too!
9.Are  there  any  more  tours  or  shows  planned  this  year  in  support  of  Weapons Of  Thrash Destruction ? If  yes  where  will the  band  be  playing?
C- We want to head down through California and shred it up with some bands down that way. It would be super kick ass to play the Bay Area.
10.Chase  you  take  care of the  vocals  when  did you  first start  screaming and growling? Do you  do  anything  special  to  keep  your  throat and  voice  healthy?
C- I believe I was 18 when I started singing. I played bass and sang for many years. The new album is the first time you can hear me just focus on vocals. I basically just sing songs from bands I like to stay in shape. 
11.Who   are  some  of your  favorite  vocalists? Besides  vocals  do you  play  any  other  instruments?
C- I would say old school James Hetfield, Hansi from Blind Guardian, Phil Anselmo, Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson. There's way more, it's just hard to think of them on the spot. I play bass as well. Cliff Burton, Tom Araya, Steve Harris, Billy Sheehan these are a few bass influences.
12.Other then  playing  in  Terrifier  do you  or  any  of the  members  currently  play  in  any other  bands?
C- Actually they all do hahaha every one but me :)
13.When  not  working  on  new  music  or  band  business  what  do you  enjoy  doing  in your  free  time?
C- I really love camping, hiking, drunken bbq nights, travelling, anything adrenaline based is a blast, Hanging with friends and family, Going to shows I'm not playing haha.
14.Thank you  Chase  for  taking  the  time  to  fill this  interview  out  do you have  any  final  comments  before  we end  the  interview?
C- Thanks Patrick! Keep thrashing guys and we'll see you guys out there! \m/
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